Workplace Violence Prevention Training Components

Workplace Violence Prevention Training Components

Four Components of Workplace Violence Prevention Training

A person with a severe injury can bleed to death in as little as three minutes. If you follow these simple steps it could be the difference between life and death.

Our workplace violence prevention training is designed to enhance safety and protection for your workforce and your customers. At AVERT, we are dedicated to providing your team with the strategies they need to react to targeted violence situations. Our active violence response training aims to deliver four essential components in a violent situation involving active shooters and attacks.

#1. Bleeding control techniques

Our AVERT training can be used in places that are the most vulnerable to violent attacks: entertainment venues, places of worship, government offices, healthcare centers, education organizations, and corporate offices. We focus on teaching participants the techniques that can save lives when every second counts. Indeed, in a situation that involves blooding, you cannot wait for an ambulance. Bleeding is the leading cause of death after an injury. In a violent attack, an individual with severe injuries could bleed to death in a matter of minutes. That is why our workplace violence prevention training focuses on effectively stopping the bleed by using proper pressure, wound packing, and tourniquet methods.

#2. Save time with an emergency plan

Our workplace violence prevention course instructors can help guide organizations to develop their own Emergency Action Plan (EAP). An emergency plan enables members of the organization to follow guidelines defining what to do and how quickly to react in the event of an active shooter on site. Indeed, we believe that being organized and focused can help you make better decisions that will eventually save lives. An EAP details evacuation procedures, escape routes, and floor plans. It also serves as a guide for alerting staff and visitors in the event of an emergency.

#3. Live scenario simulations

Simply reading training materials is not enough to fully protect your workforce. That’s why our instructors at AVERT use live scenario training and simulated events. This dynamic method of learning helps your employees retain information and creates muscle memory so they act quickly if an active shooter situation ever occurs. The simulations are done in a safe way and all individuals involved know and understand what is happening. We find that this approach allows teams the prepare for a worst-case scenario.

#4. Tailored to individual skills

Our goal is to empower your workforce to act, survive and save lives. Because time is of the essence in the event of an active shooter, we create flexible workplace violence prevention training options tailored to your organization’s needs. We are proud to train your team based on individual capabilities. so your team is empowered to use the critical life skills tools they learn.

AVERT’s active violence prevention training is designed for any type of workplace. The program teaches your team how to react confidently, quickly, and effectively in a worst-case scenario using the four components of our training. If you want to find out how we can train your team, please speak to one of our AVERT experts.

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